Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My New Blog - Fishtarian

I just want to give you a quick heads-up on my new blog, Fishtarian - a brainchild of Project BKO. At Fishtarian, I discuss all subjects related to our health. More specifically, I discuss the following topics:
  1. A heart-healthy diet that includes or is cooked with fish and vegetables: I discuss nutrition facts of fish and vegetables and how to use them to come up with delicious dishes.
  2. An active and healthy lifestyle for our wellness: Combined with a healthy diet, regular fitness and an optimistic mindset play a crucial role in bringing us a long lasting and healthy life. I plan to discuss fitness in details and how you can set up your own fitness programs at your own pace. In the end, this is a change in lifestyle.
  3. Medical studies related to our common health problems, such as, heart attack: New studies are conducted and published everyday. Even today, we do not know all the truths or root causes of lots of health problems we're facing. I plan to keep you posted, as they are released.
I refer to people who follow these principals in their daily life as "fishtarian" - combination of fish and vegetarian. I have been a long time fishtarian myself who has received lots of health benefits from those principles. I hope you will benefit from them as well. I look forward to meeting you at Fishtarian!

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